Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I can only do my best

Failure is a big fear for me and fear of it can cripple me productively when I tackle more challenging tasks.

My affirmation: I look failure head on and do my best accepting that sometimes I will fail but trying my best succeed in the face of disaster acknowledging that doing my best guarantees success no matter what the outcome.

Monday, March 29, 2010

What an amazing day!

"What an amazing day!"
What would it take for you to be able to say those words at the end of your day. Think of this every morning. what are the steps I can take to be able to be enthusiastic, excited, and overwhelmed with joy over how phenomenal the day was. You have the power through choice to take one step closer to make each day amazing.
What can you do today to be able to exclaim your exuberance at the end of the day?
Brian Darnell
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Sunday, March 28, 2010

What is God's Will

The question is how do I find God’s will? How do I find something that I am not even sure how to put into words what it is? Whenever I think about this, here are the questions that come to mind:

· Is God’s will the same for everyone?

· Where and how do I find it?

· Does God’s will apply to all the choices in my life (What color of socks do I wear today?. Do I use butter or Margarine?) Or is it just the big ones (life changing and morel decisions).

I did some thinking about this and realized I can’t interpret this subject, I am hardly near an expert and it would require much more Biblically well-read person then me to give an adequate interpretation.

Go to this link to read an excerpt from Let the Reader Understand: Scripture and Guidance, by Dan McCartney and Charles Clayton. Let the Reader Understand is a guide to Biblical hermeneutics, the correct interpretation of scripture. I believe this excerpt very clearly clarifies God’s will for us.


Finished reading? Good. Now this is what I got out of that article; according to the excerpt there are two ways God’s will is presented in the Bible.

1. Boule – God’s planned out set apart will for us. It is exempt from inquiry, change, or budging. This is the perfect plan for our lives that only God could come up with.

2. ThelemaGod’s desire for us that is spelled out in HIS WORD!

So how do we find God’s will? Read his Word. How do we follow God’s Will? Surrender, Faith, The Holy spirit; to sum it up, the grace of God. How do we get that grace? He gives it freely.

My Prayer:

Dear Lord,

You are my one and only God and I love you with my whole heart, I want to obey your decrees and follow your will. I am a complete and total failure and a sinner in my own attempts to follow your will. Please break me down, fill me up, motivate me to read your Word, help me to interpret it, and please Lord give me the strength to be obedient to you.

If it be your will, in Jesus name,


Thursday, March 25, 2010

How I Pray

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”- 1 John 1:9

I love this verse and I know a lot of other people love it too but have you ever tried? Right now or the absolutely next chance you get find a private place and out loud (yes out loud, whisper if you have to) start a prayer to the Lord God Almighty.

First. Start with Praise, ackowledge who he is and that you worship him. Do this in your own words.

Second. Thank him for what you have and what you will have. Either use those words or give a list, he already knows so either will suffice, it is your relationship with God so thank him for what you want to thank him for.

Third. Acknowledge yourself as a sinner and confess. Say your sins to God. Try to get them all out.

Fourth. Ask for help. Pray to God about what you need and what the people you are close to need. Pray for the leaders of your work and country as well (this is one of my favorite parts, it is how I can be involved in my work in country in a very power way.)

Fifth. Declare whose will you honor. "Your will be done" will suffice and you can ask God for help in accepting his will.

Sixth. Declare your prayer in Jesus name.


I love this prayer, it is my prayer of liberation because it allows me to let go of my sins, needs and wants and lay them and God and you know what? That is what he wants!

Praise God! Hallelujah!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Taking the world personally is an arrogant concept

If something bad happens, if someone treats me bad, if I am a victim of anything in my life and I get my feelings hurt with a "why me?" attitude I am being arrogant.

The world is not about me. If I get my feelings hurt when I am treated bad I am making it about me and that is an arrogant attitude. What about the events and circumstance that led that person who treated me badly to be the way they are? It is time to be sensitive about the things that happen in this world and to me and not take it personally.
Lets assume that it is never about us and that there is always more in play. By choosing to not take it personally we choose to live happier more peaceful lives. We also put is in a place seperate from the event and we are able to share love rather then hurt. By choosing to make the world about us we are being arrogant.

My prayer:
Dear Lord please help me to make my life about you and not about me. Help me to fill my life with your spirit and show your love to those that hurt me.

In your holy name.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My prayer tonight

I pray tonight for the Lord to fill my mind with Godly thoughts in my sleep and my heart with his spirit. I pray that my night carries me through the day tomorrow in his will.

In Jesus name,
