Thursday, July 29, 2010


I promised myself I would write today but as I start I have no real idea what I am going to write about.

A good topic is love

Love to me is the surrender of self to a person, place, concept, or God himself. By surrender of self I mean that through love we give ourselves to something, delving into a project with enthusiasm is a way of expressed love as are doing something nice for a friend for no reason, thinking of a friend, going to a favorite coffee shop, etc.

How do I show love for God?

If love is surrender of self then loving God is done through obedience to his word. It may not be evident what that means being how complex the Bible is and you may feel resistant to trying to understand what it dictates you do. A great way to simplify it is found in Matthew 22:36-40

Matthew 22:36-40 (New International Version)

36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

There you have it! According to Jesus, the best way to follow him is to love him and other people! So through love we surrender ourselves to God and those around us thus we are loving people through God! I love how easy he makes it!

My prayer:

Father God,

help me to surrender myself to you and those around me. Help me to be truly loving no matter how hard it gets. Please stand with me and hold my hand, remove the sin from my heart and help me to be truly loving as you were loving to send your Son to die for our sins. Thank you my Father.


In your comments please share your thoughts on the best ways to express love and creative ways to express love to people, places, and experiences.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Finding Adventure

A couple of nights ago I was trying to go for a bike ride in the late-afternoon/early evening and got caught up in preparation; wearing the right clothes, having the right amount of water, getting the right music, etc. I decided downloading a new album for the ride would be a good idea but by the time I made the purchase on iTunes I didn’t realize that the album was 40 tracks long. By the time the download completed it was 10:30PM! I thought, “This is way too late to ride.”

I was very disappointed because I was already ready to go and really looking forward to this ride but because it was “too late” I wasn’t going to be able to do it. I sat down exasperated and opened my e-mail and thought about turning on the TV and the thought occurred to me, “If it is too late to ride, why is it not too late to watch TV or check my e-mail. Why am I not going to bed?” I realized that I could easily stay up late doing other things, “wasting time” when really the “too late” concept was just an illusion.

I got on my bike and left with the cool air on my face and the moonlight on my back. I picked a low traffic, well lit side road and started riding. About half way through I came to the end of the lighted paved road and thought about turning around but since I was already breaking rules by being out “too late” I figured “what the heck?” and hit the dirt road with nothing but the moonlight guiding my way.

Throughout my ride I experienced some amazing things; for one, it was beautiful out there! The moonlight made everything a gorgeous blue color and throughout my ride through previously unfamiliar terrain I saw beautiful things like the moon reflected in the water in a drainage pit, the yellow street lights exemplifying the leaves on trees and even the color of cars and it’s contrast with the blue that the moon made everything not under it’s cone of yellow illumination. I rode and rode and rode through the crisp, cool air getting faster and faster seemingly fueled by the exhilaration of being out in such unknown territory.

At one point I was racing along at the side of the road, the street lights ended and the road on the side fell away into a gravel driveway which I wasn’t able to see under the shade of a tree. I hit the gravel at high speed, my adrenalin kicked in, I lowered my gear peddled and turned, and took my feet off the petals too stop. I nearly crashed… but I didn’t.

After the near miss I rode the rest of the way even faster as the rush had yet to wear off and cruised home. I looked at the clock and realized; I was only gone for 30 minutes! It was 11 o’clock, I showered, then hit the bed dreaming of racing through moonlight.

The point I am trying to make here is I had an adventure; an accessible thing that anyone can do in any amount of time. What makes an adventure?
  • Risk – The risk can be of any kind of consequence not just physical danger. For me it was the actual risk of danger.
  • Leaving one’s comfort zone – Going somewhere you don’t know or doing something in different environment. For me it was doing a daytime activity late at night.
  • Stepping into the Unknown – A willingness to explore is required. Riding on to that dirt road into the literal dark was the example of this for me.
  • Mindfulness – A true attention to self and one’s surroundings is required. It is not an adventure unless you are continually looking for the adventure in everything you do. If I hadn’t have noticed the beauty and the thrills I was experiencing it would have just been a bike ride.
The Memory of my 30 minute bike ride will last with me for a very long time. It is an example I see over and over again in my life, if I look at everything I am resistant to doing with a perspective of “What if I just did this thing regardless of all these excuses?” many more adventures are open to me. My challenge to you; do something outside of your comfort zone, step into the unknown and have your own adventure. If you have experienced this feeling before or have your own ideas of what makes an adventure please comment here, I would love to discuss.