Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Blog as a log
If a blog is a web log, what is it logging?
The free dictionary describes a log as:
log 1 (lôg, lg) n.
a. A usually large section of a trunk or limb of a fallen or felled tree.
b. A long thick section of trimmed, unhewn timber.
2. Nautical
a. A device trailed from a ship to determine its speed through the water.
b. A record of a ship's speed, its progress, and any shipboard events of navigational importance.
c. The book in which this record is kept.
3. A record of a vehicle's performance, as the flight record of an aircraft.
4. A record, as of the performance of a machine or the progress of an undertaking: a computer log; a trip log.
Being that a blog doesn't have anything to do with trees, wood, ships, or vehicles (unless that is what the author is blogging about) we can take the log part of blog to mean that it is a record or journal (bjournal doesn't really work, it sounds like a Swedish word)
Well then, if a blog is a record or journal, what am I recording or journaling about? In the case of my blog I am recording my random thoughts and observations.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Embracing Annoyances
Comment on Expectations
Expectations can be a confusing topic. Most of us have expectations. We entertain certain notions, on some level of consciousness, about how we hope things will turn out or how we want people to behave. But it is better to relinquish expectations, so we can detach. It is better to refrain from forcing our expectations on others or refrain from trying to control the outcome of events, since doing so causes problems and is usually impossible anyway. So where do we go with our expectations?
Some people strive to relinquish all expectations and live moment to moment. That is admirable. But I think the important idea here is to take responsibility for our expectations. Get them out into light. Examine them. Talk about them. If they involve other people, talk to the people involved. Find out if they have similar expectations. See if they’re realistic. For example, expecting healthy behavior from unhealthy people is futile; expecting different results from the same behaviors, according to many experts is insane. Then, let go. See how things turn out. Let things happen – without forcing. If we are constantly disappointed, we have a problem to solve – either with ourselves, another person, or a situation.
It’s okay to have expectations. At times, they are real clues to what we want, need, hope for, and fear. We have a right to expect good things and appropriate behavior. We will probably get more of these things (the good stuff and the appropriate behavior) if we consistently expect these things. If we have expectations, we will also realize when they are not being met. But we need to realize these are only expectations; they belong to us, and we’re not always boss. We can make sure our expectations are realistic and appropriate and not let them interfere with reality or let them spoil the good things that are happening.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Contemplating Expectations
Well if expectations exist and they don't occur dissapointment occurs, if they don't exist at all the only thing that can come is surprise. And if someone expects things from someone else resentment can occur because it denotes control.
If nothing is ever expected then there is no dissapointment, only surprise and you won't be seen as controlling, demanding, or righteous.
Is this right? Is expectation that bad? Am I never supposed to assume that something might happen based on my past experience? I can't say that I know what I am supposed to do but I do have to say that it does seem like a better life can be lived with no expectations; I would trade dissapointment for surprise any day.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
52 good deeds
No rules other than that, big or small it is up to you.
Brian Darnell
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Don't let the jack asses win
“If you are not open to the nice people the jackasses win and I am too stubborn to let the jackasses win”
I am going to take his example and risk getting hurt a bit and be more trusting, let’s not let the jackasses win.
My view every day when I get to work.
Brian Darnell
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Salted duck eggs
Yes, I at 2 of these. I had never tried anything like this before and I have to tell you I was very apprehensive. The feelings that went through me were OMG am I going to bite through a baby duck? is it going to be really salty? do they burry them in the ground?
But I tried them. Did I like them, that is hard to say, they were a whole lot more salty than I am used to and the texture was very different from a normal hard boiled egg, it was gritty and was similar to dirt.
There are cultures that eat these kinds of things as a staple snack; with different traditions in a culture a person’s palette could be completely different that when offered this kind of food could be accepted like we would accept potato chips or a candy bar.
I think over time I could enjoy something like this as my palette adjusted but for now they are an interesting exotic snack to try every once in a while.
My challenge to you:
Try one new thing a day for 7 days. Share those things with me and please share your experience with me; if you like, put it as a comment on the blog. It doesn’t have to be a food, you can go to a store you have never been to before, try a volunteer service or give money to a homeless person when you normally would have just walked by. What new thing could you try every day?
Brian Darnell
Monday, December 22, 2008
Lord, please help me to surrender
If God brought Jesus into the world in conditions of poverty and his plan was to go through horrible pain and ultimately die to save us, who am I to complain about my life and my conditions when he was willing to die for me? Anxiety is arrogance and sin. It is the surrender to the idea that I have any hope of controlling my life when I should be surrendering to God. Who am I to try to make it better when his will is what matters. In fact, I should be able to surrender to God and not worry about this world hen I am saved and destined for eternal life anyway, with eternal life in my future, what is there to worry about now?
I need to stay prayerful and keep surrender to God in mind, my filter should be God focused and his will will be more obvious to me.
Dear Lord,Please help me to surrender to you, please help me to remember that you are in control.
In your every present holy name,
Sunday, December 21, 2008
A little creative self exploration
I could look at it from a higher level and say “I am a human being”. That would be true but it doesn’t accomplish anything other than acknowledge what I already know to be true, that I am a bipedal primates in the family Hominidae capable of abstract reasoning, language, introspection and problem solving.
Why I am I defining what I am anyway? The purpose of defining what I am creatively is to choose what the best activity would be at any given time whether that would be writing or photography. I should also include other artistic medium that I have engaged in: drawing, painting, digital art, ink wash, etc. What should I do?
That fact is, I shouldn’t choose based on what I am defining myself as because when it comes down to it I am not any of those things but I am also all of those things. I have to face the music. I am an artist. Not in the pretentious sense but in the sense that anyone who works creatively is. I am an artist just as a songwriter, blogger, actor, and so on; let’s also include other creative professions – Researcher, scientist, mathematician, physicist, etc! I and they are all artists. We do not wear derbies and exclaim this as an excuse not to engage in something that is below our artistic genius, we simply are.
So how do I choose what to do? I choose the best thing to do moment by moment. Now excuse me, I have wasted a lot of time writing here, I have to go take some pictures. J
Saturday, December 20, 2008
A little technical issue...
Brian Darnell
OMG another asian market!
Brian Darnell
Another discovery
All I can do now is focus on the present, and not worry of how I have been in the past.
This operation looks really cool and I am looking forward to a morning opf hard work.
Brian Darnell
Friday, December 19, 2008
Asian market in Hemet
Brian Darnell
Suit up show up.
But here I am, at the gym first thing in the morning and I feel great because of it, I suited up, showed up and not only did 30 minutes of cardio but practiced Iaido for an hour. I am overjoyed with how much I got out of it and my day is just starting.
Brian Darnell
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Clam Murder
1 can clam chowder
1 tbsp Blair's original death
Heat clam chowder, add death, eat, sweat. :)
Brian Darnell
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Paralyzed with fear
Brian Darnell
Beautiful angels
Brian Darnell
What impact that word holds! On page 2 of the book Mr. Carson defines a person as something more than bodies, personalities, beliefs, or thoughts. He defines a person as a life with a consciousness to make choices with an evil inhabitant known as a gremlin that attempts to make sure those choices are the wrong choices and all thoughts are negative. (I for one think that all thoughts are bad but thinking isn't bad in itself (digest that!)
I am going to like this book.
Brian Darnell
Reading a graphic novel just for the movie.- The Watchmen
The Watchmen movie is coming out in March next year so when I saw this on the shelf in LA this past weekend I had to pick it up. I finished it yesterday and it definitely deserves all of the accolades it has gotten. I am very much looking forward to the movie.
Without revealing anything about the plot I can tell you that the story is very rich. It provides details on all the major characters in a way that I have not seen done in many novels. I also found the story stimulating on political, social, and emotional levels.
If I could sum up the novel in 1 sentence I would say,
"It humanizes superheroes"
I fully recommend it to the comic book reader and the non comicbook reader alike.
Brian Darnell
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Today's affirmation
Brian Darnell
Monday, December 15, 2008
Learn from mistakes
Brian Darnell
Saturday, December 13, 2008
OMG it's real!
Brian Darnell
Sarah's wonderful cell phone photos
Brian Darnell
We think it has Santa's blood in it.
Brian Darnell
Behold! Super sarah!
Brian Darnell
Friday, December 12, 2008
Behold! Mojito!
Brian Darnell
Brian Darnell
This is what preparing for a trip looks like
This is what the room looks like while preparing to leave for LA for the weekend. It is 15:00 and we have to be out the door by 15:30. Let's see what we can accomplish
Brian Darnelldarnellster@gmail.com
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Leave it with God
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Lose Control
Monday, December 8, 2008
What is possible on a 30 minute break?
I just got back from my half hour “lunch” break but no eating occurred. I had a small snack at my desk and went for a 30 minute walk with my camera in hand. It is amazing what one can accomplish in those 30 minutes, before I left I was starting to feel the bear of work and was having trouble rapidly refocusing between 3 projects whose outcomes are all due this week. I had a little resistance to taking my break but pushed through it and went for a walk, camera with 200mm zoom lens in hand. What did I get out of this? A nice stress relieving walk, some good pictures of beautiful autumn leaves (California, December is Autumn, what can I say?) and I discovered that one can walk pretty far in 30 minutes and still make it back with 5 minutes to spare to stow my camera.
My challenge to you:
Take your breaks! Go somewhere, do something, don’t get caught up in the boundaries of work. I did it and now I am refocused, I know exactly what actions I have to take between my 3 projects and will not only move forward on them but will ensure that their outcomes are complete by tomorrow morning (Because there are 30 more projects waiting in the queue). .
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Perfect way to finish a meal of sushi
I love Sushi. Out here in Hemet there is an all you can eat sushi bar that I love called Sushi Ray run by a wonderful chef named Max. You can eat all you want off a pretty sizeable menu for about $26.00 and if you know how much a sushi meal can cost with items like Caterpiller roll (Normally $10.00 ea.), Volcano ($12.99), and specialties like the Golden Tiger(Normally $11.99), you can get them at Max's all you can eat which is qute a bargain. Tuesday and Wednesdays are Men's nights and Women's nights respectively where if you are the correct nght's gender you can get 50% off on all alcohol purchased, and if you like alcohol I fuly recommend the cucumber saketini and the Korean Hite beer which I an only find a Sushi Ray.
Here is the perfect way to finish a meal at Sushi Ray, a quail egg shooter:

Friday, December 5, 2008
Christmas in my office
Brian Darnell
3 Question Wake up Call
Am I breathing - take a conscious breath
Am I relaxed - let go of any tension you notice
Am I doing whatever I am doing with refinement and grace (allow yourself do to so
Thursday, December 4, 2008
My Weekly Review
I am about to embark on my weekly review. If you are not familiar with GTD, the weekly review in concept is in fact a review done; you guessed it weekly of one’s system. To put it in a nutshell, I look at all the lists of things I have decided to do and make sure they are set up correctly. These lists include Projects, Next actions, a calendar, and notes. In reality for a lot of us a weekly review is not done weekly. In this case I am doing mine a week late. Why? My schedule was different then normal last week and I didn’t do it; excuses, excuses.
Here are the steps I follow for my weekly review.
- Get clear
This changes, this could involve processing my inbox, doing a brain dump onto paper, or it could be skipped if I already feel clear prior to my weekly review. A recommendation my friend Barb gave me for this step is to do it the night before and do the weekly review in the morning; I prefer to do my weekly review at night so I get clear in about 30 minutes as the first step in my review. In this case, this blog entry is part of getting clear, I am using it to lay a foundation for this review - Get current
I make sure that all of my projects have next actions associated with them. I then review my next actions lists and make sure that all of them are associated with projects. If they are not I either get rid of them (if they are irrelevant) or create projects for them. I then review my incubate list (This is what I call my someday/maybe) and see if any of those items are ready to become projects or get deleted. - Get creative
This usually involves me dreaming. I do a centering exercise, either GRACE or the 6 breaths, 6 thoughts exercise. I then write what I want on my paper or on screen. This may sound kind of strange but this works for me.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Gratitude Journal
5 things I am grateful for? Well for one, this list. I love this list that I have been making. I know it is a journal but it is also a list of journal entries to be technical and I like being technical. I am grateful for this list because it has helped me to get outside of my head about my life. I am grateful for each and every bit of it; the good and the bad.
I am grateful for the fire. In June of 1998 my house burned down and I am grateful for that. How does that work? Well it helped me to let go of my attachment to material possessions; stuff. And the ability to let go of that has helped me tremendously in my life. I LOVE my camera and the beautiful photos I take with it but I can live without it. I am not owned by the things I own because of that fire and I am grateful for that.
I am grateful for my time of unemployment in 2003. I had been working as a temp at a local college for about 5 years. I was a network technician and thought I was the greatest but got my wake up call when all of the temporary employees were laid off and I was not rehired into a permanent position. I was devastated and felt it was the end of the world. I spent a few months in unemployment but was eventually able to find the job I have now which I love. I am grateful for the lesson of humility it taught me.
I am grateful for the job I have now. It taught me how inexperienced I was and taught me to approach things with a beginners mind. I always felt I had the mind of a prodigy and working in a tough environment taught me that just being bright doesn't cut it. I am grateful for that.
I am grateful for the wound I took in 2005. I was riding my bike and lost my balance and fell. My right leg was impaled by my brake handle. Recovery was quick but the accident taught me that I am not invincible. I am grateful for that.
I am grateful for lessons of humility and the awareness that bad incidents can have good consequences. I have learned about detachment, humility, and meditation through reflecting on my life and I am grateful for that.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Comitting to a complaint free world
Here is the gist; you make a committment to stop complaining. If you complain about anything switch the bracelet to the other wrist and start your committment over from day one. Along with Tara I am making the committment
to do this for 21 days. You have my permission to point out to me when I need to move my bracelet to the other arm. And I’ll keep you posted on how I do.
If you want to do this too, let me know and we can support each other. I know this won't be easy for me. Join in and let's make this a complaint free world.
Mug boss!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Another Reason for Resistance
Make sure you are doing the weekly review weekly and you are reviewing your context lists as you access those contexts. If not, you will go numb to them. (Remember, this isn't failure, you still have those lists waiting for you, we all fall off the wagon sometimes)
Let's try this again. Re: favorite lense - attempt #2.
Once again, this is my Sony Alpha A700 with my minolta 50mm f1.7 lense.
I love the shots I get with this lense evidenced by:
Monday, December 1, 2008
Big lense
I am at work right now and will try to use it only on my breaks. It's aperture maxes out at 4 so my little 50mm minolta (fstop 1.2) sees more play on macro shots.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry