Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Lord's message deserves Joy!

Church and prayer should be looked forward to with true joy! These should be the exciting times in our lives because we get to spend time with God, the one who not only made us but made everything.

This morning I was reading through my daily devotion on the Lutheran Hour Ministries web site. Today’s devotion was titled revelation and it talked about how people may get bored listening to messages about the Lord’s word and since this is the message of our salvation we should be the opposite of bored, we should be filled with Joy and look forward to opportunities to hear that message.

For me, that is not always the case, I have a really hard time paying attention in church; my mind wanders, and yes I do get bored sometimes. As I sit in church and while I should be wrapped up in the holy spirit, and wanting more I am not, my mind may go to my checkbook, chores I need to do, homework, or work. I may think about what I am going to do after church is over with…over with!

Why do I do this? I have made it clear that I am a Christian and I believe strongly that Jesus is my Lord and Savior and died for my sins! Why do I get bored? It is my sinful self, the fact that I am sinful and imperfect. I need the Holy Spirit. I need to pray to god for help to remove my sinful self and help me to truly bow down and give him the praise he is worthy of as my Lord!

My prayer:

Father God, please help me to be open to your word. My sinful self would rather be in this world dealing with its own priorities and worries. I would rather be trying to plan my own salvation then relying on you. I pray to you Lord, please take my sinful self out of the picture. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit and align my will with yours. Please fill my day with opportunities to see your will, help me to have the discipline to regularly read your word and stay in prayer. Help me to see opportunities to spread your word where I can and give me the will and courage to shout your name to the masses!
I love you Lord and I pray and praise you.
Thank you for always being there for me and helping me to know that you are always with me. Amen.

Church is a time that we can stand with our brothers and sisters in Christ and praise the Lord. It is a time where we can be taught and guided through the Lord’s word. It is a time where we can be equipped to spread that Joy to others and lead others to the salvation that Christ has promised. Through prayer the Lord can fill us and renew us and help us to dedicate our lives to him because by ourselves we can’t do it and he is always there to help us.

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