Sunday, October 24, 2010

Can't do Good on my Own

Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

This is a tough one for me because when I read something like this I try to do it myself. I continually put my foot in my mouth and cause harm and realized I was thinking more of myself then the others around me. Sin makes it so I can't do good on my own, I can try all I want but as a sinner I can't. Only through God can I do good and I remember that in prayer.

Father God,
On my own I try to do good and always I fail. I do and say the things that cause pain and hurt and don't do good where I should. Dear Lord please help me to remember that you are with me at all times and are even in me. Please help me to be loving and kind and to be like you. Please help me to be helpful, supportive, and to contribute to building up others. Help me to let go of my selfishness and to walk in your ways. Amen.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Affirming my life in Funemployment

Thursday was the last day I left my place of work of 7 years. It was definitely a strange feeling to know I wouldn't be walking in those doors again. Was this bad news? No, just a change. I am stepping into my new life as a full time student, getting by on part time work and slowly but surely working my way towards seminary so I can become a pastor. What is my plan to do it?

My Affirmation -
"My job is to spend my time improving my mind, body, and spirit through regular, organized work. I am professional, relaxed, balanced, and flexible and will serve God through my actions and choices".

  1. I will fill my time with regular study first, if I have large deadlines for class I will spend 1 hour a day being extraordinary, working on the things that garner the most resistance.
  2. Each day will include Bible study, daily devotions, and proactive study of Concordia Theological studies curriculum.
  3. My free time will be spent at the gym my fitness goals are to attend Yoga 3 times a week and to work daily towards being able to do 1 pullup.

My Prayer:

Dear Lord,
Thank you for all the events in my life this year. Thank you for providing the resources of family and friend support and bringing events together at this right time in my life to make a commitment to becoming a full time student possible. Please help me to be responsible, and focused, help me to be the man you want me to be. Dear Lord, I have many doubts and flaws and I feel like you are wrong about my calling sometimes. Please help me to trust you and to follow my path and to remember that the path is where you are calling me to, help me to remember that I am still on the path even if you are carrying me. I love you my Father and I thank you for calling me to this journey.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A few thoughts on taking notes

I have seen people take notes, at work, and in their personal lives; people take notes. When someone is trained on a new procedure at work they will write it down in a notebook, when someone wants to get in touch with a new contact they write the phone number down; notes cover our desks, cork boards, and fridges. But what do you do with note? What good does having the note on that piece of paper do for you?

A couple of habits can come in handy:
  • Drop all your notes into one place at the end of the day, go through them every day or two and either do them if they or short, save or file them if they are reference, or through them away if you don't need them.
  • Add phone numbers into your phone the second you get them
  • If you don't have paper to write with e-mail yourself or leave yourself a voicemail, process the notes when in a place you can add them to a todo list.  
The best tip I ever got related to notes - Read Getting Things Done, the Art of Stress Free Productivity by David Allen and put it into practice, if you put the methods in the book into practice you can free up a lot of clutter in your life.