Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Key to Knowing and Trusting God

James 3:13: "“[Two Kinds of Wisdom] Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.”"

I love the book of James; the letter reads like a collection of God inspired good advice. Be humble, listen more than you talk, listen before you become angry, remove immorality, follow the word, and more. James speaks from a humble heart knowing the word and knowing Jesus. Where does this come from? The Word! Becoming closer to God comes as easy as knowing the Word and knowing the Word comes as simple as reading the Bible.

Does this mean knowing God requires long, tedious study, bent over a book by candle light, giving up life to study the Bible all the time? No, even though that is a worthwhile sacrifice for some; but it does mean Study. Study is the key to aligning ourselves with the mind of God; this is how we learn to know him, to trust him, and to learn to live in a way that pleases him.

How do we do it? Read the Bible, read devotions, read something every day. Here are some resources to get started:
  • - The Daily bible verse is great. It gives you a small dose every day and even has an RSS feed.
  • - E-mailed devotional every two weeks
  • - Full sermon podcasts and a really awesome daily devotional tied to current events. RSS feed for the devotional isn't listed but you can get to it here.
Whether it is a verse a day, a daily devotional, or a podcast in the car - Study is a key to knowing God.
My Prayer:
Dear Lord,
Please reach into people's hearts and help them to know you. Help them to know that they can have a relationship with you and make it easy to do so.
In your ever present holy name,

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