Walking on Sunshine!: "
My projects list included this: Complete Breast Cancer 3-Day (Sept 11-13). Subprojects were items like “Create plan for fund raising” and “Create plan for training.” During each weekly review, I checked on my progress and added training walks to my calendar. For my fundraising, I used social media and electronic communications almost exclusively (I only sent out two letters by snail mail). I blogged (here and at WomanWhoWalksWithDogs), tweeted, used Facebook, and email. I’m not someone who is comfortable with asking people for donations, yet I learned how to do that, knowing that asking was the key to success.
The biggest success, however, wasn’t from my asking. Someone else, a member of the GTD Virtual Study Group, asked for me. That’s what put me over the top--a kind, generous friend who galvanized an awesome group of GTD’ers on my behalf. This is the power of social media and user generated content: to create a place for like-minded people to come together, support, and encourage each other.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you! I feel so loved and encouraged and cared about. It’s an amazing experience--I am blessed.
Now, I’m in the home stretch. Next, I’ll map out the logistics, pull out my packing checklist and put the finishing touches on my training before boarding my flight to Seattle. And with every step, I’ll say thank you! No matter what the weather in Seattle, which is famed for its rain, I’ll be walking on sunshine! That’s because thanks to you and so many other generous people, over $2500 is going toward the fight against breast cancer.