Friday, July 17, 2009

Some of the Daily reminders I use every day

I keep a daily reminder list in Remember the milk as am item in my !daily list. Here are my current reminders.

It is OK to be high energy even when you don't have energy, greet everyone who comes in with the best smile you can muster! Always give your best no matter how much you have left!

Remember resistance is the enemy! if you feel resistance to doing something that is the exact thing your soul wants to do!

Remember to smile big and smile often when people are there and when they are not.
Smile at God and rejoice in the smile you get back from him all the time.

I am God's child and the people I interact with are also God's children.
Love them by listening to them and making that moment about them. Stay with God in prayer and live your day trusting God's glorious will!

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